Mass effect fallout 4
Mass effect fallout 4

mass effect fallout 4

Now you might laugh and think you have a game that doesn't fit in this catagory, but their are further sub genres of rpgs, Tactical, Western, Tabletop, and many others.

mass effect fallout 4

To determine whether a game is an rpg, you need to look at several areas of said game not just one, for Rpgs have always been some of the most difficult to lock down does it have strong detailed charcters that progress as the story goes on? As said story progress's do the characters in the story get stronger? and does it have a menu based battle/ combat system. SpaceGhost 3407d ago (Edited 3407d ago I would agree with your definition, but I would still disagree with the term semi rpg, the term RPG goes further then just playing the role of character. Reasons Crono Cross was the first rpg to have multiple endings, Earth Bound was just an amazing RPG, Phantasy star was the first sci fi based rpg that was good Final Fantasy take your pick, a lot of people like 7, 8 or 10, but I personaly dislike 8 and 10 becuase they focus on the love story too much, 6 is widley considred the best in the series, while I enjoyed the story of 9, and Finally Mass Effect, which brought Western RPGS too a broader audiance.Īnd of course their is the KOTOR series, the Dragon Warrior sereis, Secret of mana, Tales, too many people are focusing on new Western Rpgs, they are good do not get me wrong, but you can not have a top 5 rpg list and only mention one Jrpg and an obscure one at that. SpaceGhost 3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago would agree with your there for the majority but I would place games higher on the list just because I think they did more for the sereis then a few you listed

Mass effect fallout 4