Can be used to create a juice that helps keep hydration high with less consumption. *Yucca - A plant with an edible root when peeled and cooked. *Aloe - A plant used to create a mild healing ointment. Can sometimes be found in the wasteland as well.

Produces gasoline when smelted in a chemistry station. *Oil Shale - An ore with the primary use of producing gas. Basic details for each biome will be listed as well. The resources listed below are area/biome specific resources.

*Random Name Picker - A Name picker may be used in order to choose who gets the next event. Number of animal and zombie spawns, number of various items in an air drop, and other amount related things will be determined by a dice roll. *Dice Roll - Some things will be determined by a dice roll. Weather, events, starter inventory, biome selection, starter skills and others will all be determined by a spinner. ] *Spinners - Most things will be determined by a spinner. Warning: Undefined array key "_uid" in /var/www/html/nrp/r.php on line 204 7 Days to Die - A Comprehensive Guide By -Mirror- +Watch Replies: 0 / 282 days ago